Chair of the Scientific Committee for 14 international congresses “Warsaw Seminar on Neurourology”, Chair of the Scientific Committee for 10 international congresses on Uroradiooncology, Co-Chair of 2 congresses on Women and Men – reproductive and sexual health.
Vice-Chair of the Disciplinary Committee for PhD Students 2012-2018
Member of the Social Council of the Independent Public Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw, ul. Banacha 1a, Warsaw; 2012-2018
Secretary of the Faculty Council – 2009
Chair of the Postgraduate Education Committee for Physicians and Dentists at the Clinical Hospital “Dzieciątka Jezus”, ul. Lindleya 4, Warsaw; 2010-2012
Chair of the Faculty Electoral Commission I of the Faculty of Military Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw, from 2012-2016 and 2016-2020
Deputy of the Board of Directors of the Clinical Hospital “Dzieciątka Jezus”; 2017-2020
Chair of the Senate Committee for Clinical Hospitals and Regional Cooperation 2016-2020