Pro bono activities

Organizational and social activities

Chair of the Scientific Committee for 14 international congresses “Warsaw Seminar on Neurourology”, Chair of the Scientific Committee for 10 international congresses on Uroradiooncology, Co-Chair of 2 congresses on Women and Men – reproductive and sexual health.

Vice-Chair of the Disciplinary Committee for PhD Students



Member of the Social Council of the Independent Public Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw, ul. Banacha 1a, Warsaw; 2012-2018



Secretary of the Faculty Council – 2009



Chair of the Postgraduate Education Committee for Physicians and Dentists at the Clinical Hospital “Dzieciątka Jezus”, ul. Lindleya 4, Warsaw; 2010-2012

Chair of the Faculty Electoral Commission I of the Faculty of Military Medicine of the Medical University of Warsaw, from 2012-2016 and 2016-2020

Deputy of the Board of Directors of the Clinical Hospital “Dzieciątka Jezus”;

Chair of the Senate Committee for Clinical Hospitals and Regional Cooperation